Who is PolyJohn?
PolyJohn is a unique collection of 5555 randomly generated NFTs from more than 200,000 combinations & created just in 24 hours by our genius team!
The idea of the project is that we are all special in our own way. We are all talented and cool, just be yourself and believe in your uniqueness!

How to get a PolyJohn NFT?
You can get it on OpenSea, here is the link.
What's the price of a PolyJohn?
The price per a PolyJohn starts from 0.0005 ETH, but we are sure it will cost much more in the nearest future, especially the rarest ones! (we hope you have discovered our rarity page)
Is PolyJohn a good investment?
It's a low risk investment so a good one, why not. We are sure that NFTs have a bright future, like a BTC in its' early years)) Anyway please don’t spend your food money, your family money or not taking credit on this.
Promotion campaigns of the project. Raising the amount of holders and creating closed community of PolyJohns!
5555 PolyJohn NFT appears on OpenSea!
The start price = 0.0005 ETH on Polygon.
Launch of PolyJohn
Some PolyJohn NFTs (+some of our secret projects!) will be airdropped to randomly selected people holding a PolyJohn NFT.
Our dream is to gain more than 10 ETH volume trade and to donate at least 1 ETH to a charity, connected to ill children. We believe we can do it together!
Charity Donations
Head of PolyJohns
Developer of PolyJohns
Artist of PolyJohns
Marketing specialist